The evolving non-profit book on C/DOS/Turbo C programming A To Z Of C K. Joseph Wesley R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah “Test everything. Hold on to the good.”
1 First Chapter Greetings.
It is a common practice to skip the acknowledgement and book organization. So we have placed them in the First Chapter! Please read this chapter without fail to understand this book better.
1.1 Acknowledgement Throughout the world many people have contributed to this book. We must acknowledge all those good people. We sincerely thank Dr. Dennis M. Ritchie, creator of C language for granting permission to use his photo. Our thanks also goes to Dr. Ralf Brown for providing us his great source—Ralf Brown’s Interrupt List for this book. We must thank Mr. Alexander Russell for his unconditional support to this book. We are proud to thank all the real and international programmers who provided their source code to us. Ms. Lyril Sugitha (lyrils@) helped us a lot to translate this book from “Tanglish” to English! We sincerely thank her as she worked with us even in her tight schedules. I specially thank my mother for her prayers for the success of this project and my father for his support by presenting me a computer. My sincere thanks to my sister Lincy, brother Bensley and my friend Brighton for their encouragement. I benefited